On 05/11/16 11:18, Reiner Herrmann wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 05, 2016 at 11:09:31AM +1300, Aidan Gauland wrote:
>> I can successfully ping, and the contents of /etc/resolv.conf
>> both in and out of the sandbox is the single line,
>> nameserver fe80::c6e9:84ff:fe9f:7bb2%eth0
> Are you able to reach (ping6) this address?
> If yes, are you able to use it for dns lookups
> (nslookup debian.org fe80::c6e9:84ff:fe9f:7bb2%eth0)?

Only outside the sandbox; inside the sandbox, it gives me "unknown
host", but if I change "%eth0" to "%eth0-11278", I can ping it, and I
can use it for DNS lookups.

> Do you also have the package resolvconf installed?

No, and I don't think I ever have on this system.

So now that we have narrowed down the cause of the lookup failures, how
do I fix this?  And why on Earth does this happen only after the system
has been up for a few minutes, and not all the time?  rdnssd has been on
my system for a long time, but it's possible that I have unwittingly
changed some system configuration that affecting /etc/resolv.conf

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