found 826297 232-3
retitle 826297 really should document the Debian way to create /shutdown-log.txt

Many Debian users will read
and scratch their heads about why no /shutdown-log.txt is produced.

Therefore, please in /usr/share/doc/systemd/README.Debian.gz at
Debugging boot/shutdown problems
mention the *Debian way* of making /shutdown-log.txt,
namely just without the /usr prepended to
/lib/systemd/system-shutdown/ !

P.S., won't the advice
'For shutdown problems, run "systemctl start debug-shell" as root, then shut 
often just make something that flies off the screen and then the computer
goes blank? Hence you really need to document the method to make
/shutdown-log.txt !

P.P.S., also please mention any hazards to leaving
systemd.log_level=debug systemd.log_target=kmsg log_buf_len=10M enforcing=0
on the kernel command line and always producing /shutdown-log.txt just
in case one time one would like to look at it. Will the system run
slower etc.?

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