On Tue, Nov 22, 2016 at 05:52:11AM +0000, Jerome BENOIT wrote:
> I guess that the random bytes in /tmp/gapsage.log are not expected at
> all, and that they somehow feed some GAP variable.
> My current assumption is that the unpatched GAP (i.e., the upstream
> version) is blind to those random bytes, while the patched version
> (the one effectively in Debian unstable) is not, and it is getting
> confused. Given that the random bytes are certainly a copy
> of the workspace, this means that the current sage potentially deals
> with this large amount of random bytes for nothing but wasting its
> time: it could be an important hidden bug.

You are falling short of providing evidence of this, however.

> In short, atomic_write seems to badly interact with SaveWorkspace .
> SaveWorkspace is implemented in C in the source file <GAP>/src/saveload.c [1]
> atomic_write is part of sagemath [2]

Why not simply remove atomic_write ? atomic_write seems to make
assumption on GAP I/O that are unwarranted.

Bill. <ballo...@debian.org>

Imagine a large red swirl here. 

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