package: gitlab
severity: important
version: 8.13.6+dfsg1-2

This test was passing earlier.


  1) LabelsFinder#execute with no filter returns labels from projects
the user have access
     Failure/Error: expect(finder.execute).to eq [group_label_2,
group_label_3, project_label_1, group_label_1, project_label_2,

       expected: [#<GroupLabel id: 28, title: "Group Label 2", color:
"#990000", project_id: nil, created_at: "2016-11...04", template: false,
description: nil, description_html: nil, type: "ProjectLabel", group_id:
            got: #<ActiveRecord::Relation [#<GroupLabel id: 28, title:
"Group Label 2", color: "#990000", project_id: ...4", template: false,
description: nil, description_html: nil, type: "ProjectLabel", group_id:

       (compared using ==)

       @@ -1,7 +1,73 @@
       -[#<GroupLabel id: 28, title: "Group Label 2", color: "#990000",
project_id: nil, created_at: "2016-11-25 15:46:04", updated_at:
"2016-11-25 15:46:04", template: false, description: nil,
description_html: nil, type: "GroupLabel", group_id: 1614>,
       - #<GroupLabel id: 29, title: "Group Label 3", color: "#990000",
project_id: nil, created_at: "2016-11-25 15:46:04", updated_at:
"2016-11-25 15:46:04", template: false, description: nil,
description_html: nil, type: "GroupLabel", group_id: 1616>,
       - #<ProjectLabel id: 23, title: "Label 1", color: "#990000",
project_id: 350, created_at: "2016-11-25 15:46:03", updated_at:
"2016-11-25 15:46:03", template: false, description: nil,
description_html: nil, type: "ProjectLabel", group_id: nil>,
       - #<GroupLabel id: 27, title: "Label 1", color: "#990000",
project_id: nil, created_at: "2016-11-25 15:46:04", updated_at:
"2016-11-25 15:46:04", template: false, description: nil,
description_html: nil, type: "GroupLabel", group_id: 1614>,
       - #<ProjectLabel id: 24, title: "Label 2", color: "#990000",
project_id: 351, created_at: "2016-11-25 15:46:04", updated_at:
"2016-11-25 15:46:04", template: false, description: nil,
description_html: nil, type: "ProjectLabel", group_id: nil>,
       - #<ProjectLabel id: 25, title: "Label 4", color: "#990000",
project_id: 352, created_at: "2016-11-25 15:46:04", updated_at:
"2016-11-25 15:46:04", template: false, description: nil,
description_html: nil, type: "ProjectLabel", group_id: nil>]
       +  id: 28,
       +  title: "Group Label 2",
       +  color: "#990000",
       +  project_id: nil,
       +  created_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  updated_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  template: false,
       +  description: nil,
       +  description_html: nil,
       +  type: "GroupLabel",
       +  group_id: 1614>,
       + #<GroupLabel:0x00558b3a904230
       +  id: 29,
       +  title: "Group Label 3",
       +  color: "#990000",
       +  project_id: nil,
       +  created_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  updated_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  template: false,
       +  description: nil,
       +  description_html: nil,
       +  type: "GroupLabel",
       +  group_id: 1616>,
       + #<GroupLabel:0x00558b3a8cb188
       +  id: 27,
       +  title: "Label 1",
       +  color: "#990000",
       +  project_id: nil,
       +  created_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  updated_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  template: false,
       +  description: nil,
       +  description_html: nil,
       +  type: "GroupLabel",
       +  group_id: 1614>,
       + #<ProjectLabel:0x00558b3a8ca850
       +  id: 23,
       +  title: "Label 1",
       +  color: "#990000",
       +  project_id: 350,
       +  created_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:03 UTC +00:00,
       +  updated_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:03 UTC +00:00,
       +  template: false,
       +  description: nil,
       +  description_html: nil,
       +  type: "ProjectLabel",
       +  group_id: nil>,
       + #<ProjectLabel:0x00558b3a8c9f68
       +  id: 24,
       +  title: "Label 2",
       +  color: "#990000",
       +  project_id: 351,
       +  created_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  updated_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  template: false,
       +  description: nil,
       +  description_html: nil,
       +  type: "ProjectLabel",
       +  group_id: nil>,
       + #<ProjectLabel:0x00558b3a8c94f0
       +  id: 25,
       +  title: "Label 4",
       +  color: "#990000",
       +  project_id: 352,
       +  created_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  updated_at: Fri, 25 Nov 2016 15:46:04 UTC +00:00,
       +  template: false,
       +  description: nil,
       +  description_html: nil,
       +  type: "ProjectLabel",
       +  group_id: nil>]
     # ./spec/finders/labels_finder_spec.rb:39:in `block (4 levels) in
<top (required)>'

Finished in 8 minutes 54 seconds (files took 16.7 seconds to load)
700 examples, 1 failure

Failed examples:

rspec ./spec/finders/labels_finder_spec.rb:34 # LabelsFinder#execute
with no filter returns labels from projects the user have access

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