Am 30.11.2016 um 21:42 schrieb Benjamin Kaduk:
> On Wed, Nov 30, 2016 at 09:11:58PM +0100, Michael Biebl wrote:
>> Am 30.11.2016 um 20:01 schrieb Dirk Heinrichs:
>> Afaics, this will affect any service which was started as a systemd
>> --user service. dbus is just one of them.
> I have not absorbed the full report yet, but wanted to note that Dave Botsch 
> (IIRC)
> put together some notes on using AFS with systemd --user at:

Just a quick side-note while reading that document:

>     Unfortunately, to get the service to start when you log in, you need to 
> set up systemd --user directories and symlinks.  
>     Create a $HOME/.config/systemd/user/ directory
>     Create a symlink in that directory to /etc/systemd/user/aklog.service

You can just add a


to the service file and then run systemctl enable --user aklog.service
This will make sure to create all necessary directories and symlinks.

Why is it that all of the instruments seeking intelligent life in the
universe are pointed away from Earth?

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