On 02.12.2016 08:28, Carsten Schoenert wrote:
> Hello Jens,
> On Sat, Nov 12, 2016 at 04:53:22PM +0100, Jens Reyer wrote:
> [...] 
>> 4. Or fix mimeTypes.rdf (replace all broken "/usr/bin/iceweasel"
>>    occurrences (requires icedove restart):
>>    $ for file in $(find .icedove/ -name mimeTypes.rdf); do sed -i 
>> "s|/usr/bin/iceweasel|/usr/bin/x-www-browser|g" "$file" ; done
>> I went for #4, so this is fixed for me now.
> thank you for your analysis of this problem, I was affected by this
> problem too while working on the Thunderbird transition.
> I also tend to your suggested solution on point 4 as the correct way is
> using x-www-browser instead of some specific browser binary in the
> mimeTypes.rdf file.
> I modified the new prepared starting wrapper script for the thunderbird
> transition in this way.

Great, thanks Carsten!

Did you take care to only edit the file if necessary? Something

grep -vq "/usr/bin/iceweasel" "$file" ||
  sed -i "s|/usr/bin/iceweasel|/usr/bin/x-www-browser|g" "$file"

Going beyond this hacky fix of mimeTypes.rdf, I'd like to know what
originally created this entry and if this code still exists.

And more importantly, why is about:config's
"network.protocol-handler.app.http" ignored? This setting seems to be
what everybody expects to be relevant, and it is directly configurable
by users. But it seems to have *no* effect.

Instead *only* mime information seems to be used. Either
~/.icedove/*.default/mimeTypes.rdf, or if that is missing the system's
mime settings.[1]

Is this behavior correct? Or should I file a new bug for that (upstream)?


[1] In a new profile there is no mimeTypes.rdf. If this file doesn't
exist (or if all http related entries in there have been deleted)
icedove opens links with firefox here. Then after removing
/usr/share/applications/firefox-esr.desktop it uses chromium.
Further strace shows that icedove checks several mime related files
then, and ends up using /usr/share//mime/mime.cache.
Changing the Debian alternatives system for x-www-browser to chromium
has *no* effect in this case.

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