On Sat, Dec 03, 2016 at 08:10:24PM +0100, Philipp Marek wrote:
> Hmmm..
> I had a
>     runtime ftplugin/man.vim
> in ~/.config/nvim/init.vim, but up to and including 0.1.6-5 that never 
> hurt. Commenting that line out makes 0.1.7 work too.
> I bind "K" to ":Man"; guess that I got it from one of the various sites 
> recommending that...
>     https://www.google.at/search?q="runtime+ftplugin/man.vim";

Those are referring to Vim's man.vim.  Neovim's is a complete rewrite,
which specifically removed the need to load the ftplugin just to be able
to use :Man.

> So, the priority isn't that high (anymore) - but still, it's a regression, 
> and might hurt a few people.

Yeah, I thought there had been an effort to avoid causing problems in
those scenarios.  I'll take a look.

> Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I know that I did test with 
> "-U", but it seems that nvim doesn't have that anymore and just ignores it.

Well, -U controls loading of the gvimrc, which doesn't exist.  -u
controls loading of the vimrc or init.vim.

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