reassign 350301 debhelper

On Saturday 28 January 2006 19:11, Paul Traina wrote:
> postgrey is installing the logcheck "violations.ignore.d" file as
>       /etc/logcheck/violations.ignore.d/postgrey
> about a year or so ago, the logcheck maintainers extended the behavior
> of the way logcheck violations are processed and a (desired) side effect
> is that that file now needs to be named

As far as I can tell, I use dh_installlogcheck as it is documented, i.e. by 
having package.logcheck.* files.  dh_installlogcheck should then do the 
Right Thing(tm) for me automatically.  So this is Somebody Else's 
Problem ;-)

Besides: aren't the logcheck-* files delivered with logcheck itself, while 
the other files are delivered with the program's package?  And if not - 
could you please enlighten me why this change is required?  It seems a bit 
silly for me, that's what we have directories for, it's all in 
etc/logcheck/... after all.

(Obviously: feel free to assign this bug back to me if I'm using debhelper 
the wrong way.)

-- vbi

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