On Thu, Dec 08, 2016 at 02:59:54AM +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> On 2016-12-08 00:22:51 +0000, Olly Betts wrote:
> > As for the proposed patch, I'm not wild about just removing this warning - 
> > the
> > current patch we're applying downgrades the fatal error to a warning so that
> > there's a hint as to what's going on if there are problems caused by the
> > compler ABI change.  Remove that will make it much harder to debug any
> > such cases, and risks annoying wx upstream with bug reports.  If people
> > are finding the current wording too scary, we could reword it.
> The terminal is not there to output debug messages (unless explicitly
> requested by the user). Such messages are distracting the user.

It's not a debug message, it's a warning message.

> In any case, if you fear that the ABI change may break something,
> you should rebuild the packages.

I don't fear it will break something, but I worry that if it did break
something it would be much harder for people to work out what's going on.

A binNMU for wxwidgets3.0 is OK by me - the point I was trying to make in
#844526 is that it's not helpful to just binNMU wxwidgets3.0 - you also
need to binNMU any rdeps which haven't yet been rebuilt with the newer
compiler ABI - otherwise you're just moving the warnings to different


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