On 15/12/16 11:44, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> On 14/12/16 23:41, Ben Hutchings wrote:
>> On Tue, 2016-12-13 at 20:55 +0100, Daniel Pocock wrote: [...]
>>> Thanks for providing this feedback
>>> I've done the following: - forked the upstream repository
>> The existing packaging repos are also based on the upstream git
>> repo.
> OK, I see that now, but I notice that the debian/* files have been
> committed on the master branch.  This was confusing for me as it is
> not clear which commits are real upstream commits on that branch and
> which commits are the work of maintainers (unless you look inside the
> commit to see what changes).
> It would be nicer to have the master branch as a pure copy of
> upstream's master branch and then have a branch called debian/sid with
> the commits made by package maintainers.  Is there an easy way to
> adapt the existing repository to that model?  If so, I could very
> quickly re-apply my changes on top of it.
> I think the master branch in that repo can simply be renamed to
> debian/sid and then a new master created based on upstream's master.
> Then we can periodically merge the tags (or tarballs) from the
> upstream master into the debian/sid branch.

I tried to construct another repository based on this approach and added
my changes into it:




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