Am 15.12.2016 um 21:03 schrieb Ben Hutchings:
> On Thu, 2016-12-15 at 20:15 +0100, Tobias Schlemmer wrote:
>> Hi Ben,
>> Am 14.12.2016 um 23:51 schrieb Ben Hutchings:
>>> Control: tag -1 wontfix
>>> This code is broken in several ways,
>> For me it would be interesting to know about them. So I could improve my
>> skills.
> For one, it has dependencies on scripts in /root on the root
> filesystem.

Actually, it does not. functions.ts and local.ts are patched copies
/scripts/functions and /scripts/local, which I keep in /root for
development purposes, only. Both patches have been provided.

> [...]
>> Otherwise I expect that there will be many more bug reports and
>> complaints about initramfs in particular, Debian at medium level and the
>> unpredictability of Linux configuration in the future.
> There has been one other bug report so far (#781656).

You probably have not noticed #847119. It is not obvious, that the
problem is caused by initramfs ignoring the mount order of fstab. So you
are probably not informed about all bug reports regarding this problem.

>  The lack of
> support for bind-mounting /usr (which I hadn't previously considered)
> was then documented in initramfs-tools NEWS and the release notes for
> jessie.

Sorry that does not help when I have to decide whether to install an
package or not, especially when there are more than 1000 packages to
upgrade. This information is available only after installing the
upgrade. This means, when the system is already unbootable.

>> I think the 2nd approach will be the easiest to implement: replace
>> “mountfs /usr“ by “for fs in $EARLYMOUNTFS ; do mountfs "$fs"; done“ but
>> it may still lead to confusion while upgrading Debian. I'm using Debian
>> for more than 15 years, now, and, until recently, I had never a major
>> Debian release that rendered my system unbootable. People don't expect that.
> I'm sorry, but you can't claim you weren't warned about this.

I can't remember of beeing warned when I installed the upgrade. In fact
I was surprised that the init systems depend on having /usr being
available before mounting the file systems.



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