Note that in current cups-filters cups-browsed needs libcupsfilters, as the PPD generator has moved into the library to also cater for the new "driverless" utility.

So the instructions change as follows:

sudo apt-get build-dep cups-filters
sudo apt-get install bzr
bzr branch
cd cups-filters
sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed
sudo cp .libs/cups-browsed /usr/sbin/
sudo cp .libs/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/
sudo systemctl start cups-browsed


On 12/16/2016 10:04 PM, Brian Potkin wrote:
On Fri 16 Dec 2016 at 21:02:34 -0200, Till Kamppeter wrote:

I have fixed the problem (at least I hope so) in the upstream BZR repository
of cups-filters (rev 7580, only file util/cups-browsed.c needed a change).

If possible, please test.

I will do so. Probably tomorrow morning.

If you are not familiar with working with source code, please tell me and I
will do the 1.13.1 release so that Didier can package it.

You have previously given instructions on this which I will use.

Do the following commands (relevant source code file is utils/cups-browsed.c
           > sudo apt-get build-dep cups-filters                                                        
                           > sudo apt-get install bzr                                                   
                                           > bzr branch                                                   
> cd cups-filters                                                                                       
                > ./configure                                                                           
                                > make                                                                  
                                                > sudo systemctl stop cups-browsed                      
                                                                > sudo cp cups-browsed /usr/sbin/       
                                                                                > sudo systemctl start 


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