There is no simple solution such removing this flag from some script in the libsoldout package because the debhelper suite is in control for nearly everything to build the package, including the compilation/linking flags selection. I'm leaning to think that the debhelper scripts are somehow responsible for that even though in a non obvious interaction with the libsoldout scripts because this sort of error should in case be widespread on Does any other package built with clang suffer of the same or similar problem?

 --  Massimo

On 12/16/2016 01:37 AM, Luke Benes wrote:
Package: libsoldout Version: 1.4-1

If you try to build Debian’s version of libsoldout with clang you get
the following error:

clang: error: argument unused during compilation: '-pie'

 I filed a bug report upstream and the developer correctly pointed
out that this is a Debian specific bug. He recommend you do not use
the '-pie' flags.

Could we use the developers suggestions or put an ifdef to make those
flags gcc only?

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