
this is to let you know I will start working on the RC bugs in the

  src:libapache-mod-encoding (popcon 384)
    #817519  libapache-mod-encoding: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:dpkg-sig (popcon 361)
    #817437  dpkg-sig: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:cramfsswap (popcon 248)
    #817412  cramfsswap: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:xpilot-extra (popcon 247)
    #817735  xpilot-extra: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:libppd (popcon 245)
    #817545  libppd: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:tessa (popcon 244)
    #817690  tessa: Removal of debhelper compat 4
    #833209  tessa: Uses obsolete Source-Version substvar

  src:cutils (popcon 221)
    #817323  cutils: Mandatory debian/compat for debhelper
    #817417  cutils: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:pyode (popcon 218)
    #817638  pyode: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:gkermit (popcon 201)
    #817475  gkermit: Removal of debhelper compat 4

  src:tse3 (popcon 198)
    #817699  tse3: Removal of debhelper compat 4

in the next moments. This notice is to avoid anybody else spends time
on them, resulting in unncessary duplicate work.

Maintainer: If you still wish to handle the issues on your own, please
let me know ASAP. But keep in mind time's almost up, December 25th is
the deadline for an upload.

Users: Fear not, unless things go horribly wrong this package will
be in the stretch release.

Other potential NMUers: Your interest is appreciated, there should be
enough low-hanging fruits around to work on, please pick another one.
If there's no further activity on this bug by Dec 19th 08:00 UTC,
consider this advisory lock stale, feel free to take over then.


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