On Sun, 2016-12-18 at 14:07 +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > Because you don't have xfce4-terminal at home or because it's just not
> > reproducible either?
> The latter. I have xfce4-terminal at home, but I can't reproduce the
> issue here.

Well, that's good somehow, because you have one box where it happens and the
other where it doesn't, so you should be able to somehow check the differences
between them.
> > > I'm not sure how to answer about your question regarding configuration.
> > > Do you mean the full contents of ".config/xfce4/terminal"?
> > > [ I usually only change the font size and the colors, so I don't think
> > > how that would be relevant ].
> > 
> > Maybe not, but something specific on your box makes it happen.
> So: What kind of thing may make this to happen?

Honestly no idea. Could be related to the terminal config, your shell, your
network interface (for the ping stuff), the kernel… At that point, anything,
> I can understand your feeling that my description is not complete,
> because it's not enough for you to reproduce the problem, but OTOH I
> don't really know what kind of detail may be relevant.
> Could this be related to #733722?

I honestly don't think so, especially since it has apparently been fixed in


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