I can't reproduce these on my stretch amd64 chroot, adb works fine for
me.  So we'll need to figure how what in the environment is triggering
the issue.  Are all the machines mentioned here ARM? Or what arches?

For "adb: symbol lookup error: adb: undefined symbol: kFeatureShell2",
my guess is that your android-libadb package has a different version
than your adb package.  They should all have an exact matching upstream
version (7.0.0+r1). Can you include the output of this:

dpkg -l adb
dpkg -l android-lib*

> This also changes the behavior of adb command where, previously ie., as in 
> case
> of jessie the command exits with a 0 when the daemon is not started, but now
> ie., as in case of stretch and sid the command exits with a 1.

My guess is that this change in the exit int of adb comes from upstream.
 It seems appropriate for adb to exit with 1 in this case, no?


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