Background to explain the reasoning behind the change 2/7:

944a3c7 * d/rules: Make override_dh_strip a nop.
b7754fe changelog: d/rules: Make override_dh_strip a nop

The (to be enabled in a later commit in this series) plugin "integrity-test"
provides a useful extra feature for the cautious strongswan admin.
It stores checksums of its libraries and can check non-malicious errors to
avoid accidentially loading bad libraries.
See for

It is an experimental feature, but out there for a while and was enabled in
Ubuntu per user request, so I assume it has its use in the field.

To be able to do so it stores the checksums as part of the build process.
But to match those sums later on the build is not allowed to strip the
That is listed in the "conflicts" section of the Wiki page.

Therefore override "override_dh_strip:" with a comment that explains why
is skipped.

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