Dear Vincent,

thank you for your report.

Please check whether atopacctd is still running?

You are upgrading from version 2.24 which had a bug in atopacctd that left it 
hanging around and only killable by SIGKILL.

The message "/run/pacct_shadow.d: File exists" hints at a still running 
atopacctd. This has been an upstream issue, which is fixed in atop 2.25 I 
think. I upgraded from atop 2.25 to 2.26 without any issue. Since for Jessie 
=> Stretch the upgrade will be between 1.26-2 and 2.26, I do not expect this 
issue to happen.

Additionally I do not agree with the severity of grave for this bug report. 
The package is definately usable. However I leave it to Marc, the maintainer of 
the atop package, to downgrade the severity to what he sees fits.


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