[2016-12-22 14:21] Antoine Beaupré <anar...@debian.org>
> part       text/plain                 981
> On 2016-12-21 22:56:06, Dmitry Bogatov wrote:
> > [2016-12-20 22:10] Russ Allbery <r...@debian.org>
> >> Hm, transient IDs is an interesting idea.  In a lot of cases, we create a
> >> system user just to isolate the running daemon, not to control file system
> >> access.  The drawback, though, is that one has to have a really clear idea
> >> of what resources the process would need in order to make sure this is
> >> safe.  (A much clearer idea than the understanding we need to know when
> >> it's safe to delete a system user, I think.)
> >
> > You just gave me good idea. What about not removing $HOME, but chowning
> > it to root? I mean, on install we create user and if its $HOME already
> > exists, just chown it.
> You would need to check for suid binaries, among other traps.

Good catch. Then chowning is no better then removing.

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