On 2016-12-26 02:24:30 +0100, Vincent Lefevre wrote:
> Since I've upgraded fvwm from 1:2.6.5.ds-4.1 to 1:2.6.7-2 (last night),
> I have the following problems. I have the following in my config:
> Mouse 1         A       SCM     Raise

and the problem is reproducible with just this line in the config file.

> 1. If the window is not yet on top, then it is not always raised.
> Well, I'm not sure. It could be problem 2. See below.
> 2. If the window is already on top, then this sometimes freezes the
> desktop: I can't do anything until I do another click.
> I'd say that problem 1 occurs at around 1 over 10. AFAIK, it had never
> occurred before the upgrade.

I've downgraded to 2.6.5, and I could reproduce the problems, which
are the same IMHO.

When I SCM-click over a window that is not yet on top and the problem
occurs, I can:
  1. Click anywhere, and the window is raised. Back to normal.
  2. Hit [Return], and the window is raised. Back to normal.
  3. Hit [Escape], and the window is not raised. Back to normal.
  4. The arrow keys move the mouse pointer; with the Shift key, faster.
     Ditto with b, f, h, j, k, l, n, p.

Most keys do not have any effect. So, this seems to be a FVWM feature
(SCM-click over the root window is similar, and this is normal in this
case), but this feature is triggered when it should *not* be.

Vincent Lefèvre <vinc...@vinc17.net> - Web: <https://www.vinc17.net/>
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Work: CR INRIA - computer arithmetic / AriC project (LIP, ENS-Lyon)

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