On Thu, 29 Dec 2016, Michelle Konzack wrote:

Package: mc
Version: 3:4.8.3-10

Since I updated my Debian 7 mc does not more work!

Well, you have upgraded a system with a very outdated mc, but apparently mc itself wasn't upgraded, and now it broke your mc as a side-effect and you are asking what could be the problem?

To be honest, no idea, the upgraded packages seem to be mostly irrelevant to the matter. It seems that you have some problem with a terminal emulator or how keys are delivered to the console applications... check that other applications like vim are still ok, remember whether you have changed anything in this area, see which sequences are delivered in cat.

Any suggestions what could happen to my system? I searched now 3 days without success!

First you can find out whether it's a user profile problem or a system-wide problem by creating a new user and running mc in there.

Sincerely yours,
Yury V. Zaytsev

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