Hi Joachim,

Thank you! As you pointed out, a similar issue exists with rpc.svcgssd but
that daemon honors the default keytab location specified in /etc/krb5.conf.
The systemd service file simply tests for the wrong condition. Since our
issues are related but different, I am cloning the bug. A patch for my
issue is attached.

As a side note, anyone using a custom keytab on the server must pass
arguments to rpc.svsgssd, yet the daemon runs as root and any separation of
privileges, for example by providing /etc/keytabs/nfs.keytab, may not
provide additional security benefits.

Your patch is also very much needed. For consistency, I would probably go
with RPCSVCGSSDARGS in /lib/systemd/system/rpc-svcgssd.service and provide
a default entry for RPCSVCGSSDOPTS in /etc/default/nfs-kernel-server. Thank

Best regards,

Attachment: rpc-svcgssd.service.patch.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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