On lunes, 2 de enero de 2017 00:28:22 ART Guillem Jover wrote:
> Hi!
> > And you are really willing to take care of this delta, so let's make it
> > official.
> Ah, perfect thanks! And well, as long as I've got such hardware I'll
> have to do that anyway, yes.

Of course, just please warn us whenever this is no longer true.

> > The only thing I would like you to change in order to accept the patch is
> > to change the generic hasRequiredCpuSupport() for something more precise,
> > maybe something along cpuHasSse2Support() or alike. Yes, I know it's just
> > details, but helps while looking at the code.
> I think we might have covered this in the past reviews, but in any
> case I think that would be very confusing, because on non-i386 such
> cpuHasSse2Support() function would need to return true, which is very
> much not correct. :) 

WRT past reviews: I'm pretty sure this must have happened, although maybe I 
left Dmitry alone with that and so I haven't fully checked. My mistake non the 
less, I should have checked.

WRT the naming: of course, that indeed sounds confusing :-(

> I've left it as is, but reworked the text message
> handling so that it's also generic now. Hope that qualms your concerns.
> Actually, I didn't like that either, and reworked it even further (v2),
> but I've not build tested that one yet.
> Attached both updated patches, for which I've only built tested the first
> one for now, but I'd not expect any run-time problems. But I'll try to do
> that for the second one tomorrow.

Indeed I also prefer the second one. have you got to check it? I'll start 
preparing the packaging.

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