On Thu, 29 Dec 2016 15:43:46 +1100 Ben Finney <bign...@debian.org> wrote:
> I'd appreciate help with understanding what needs to be done, and how
> the tools should be configured to do it automatically.

As I understand it, this is a bug in setup.py for dput (at least as it relates 
how things are packaged in Debian):


>From a Debian perspective, this is overkill, since we've split pkg-resources 
out into it's own binary.  pkg-resources itself doesn't require setuptools.

What the error message is telling you:

pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'setuptools' distribution was not 
found and is required by dput

Is that dput has said it needs setuptools and it's not found, not that pkg-
resrouces needs the rest of setuptools to run.

If you take setuptools out of install_requires and add python-pkg-resources to 
Depends in debian/control, then it all works fine.

The only usage of the package is in helper/dputhelper.py and pkg-resources is 

Since pkg-resources isn't seen by setuptools, so you have to do it this way as 
far as I can tell.

Scott K

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