04.01.2017 16:00, Erik Adler wrote:
> ... crickets from their devs. Its a judgment call from Debian not RedHat
> when and where this goes in.

Yes. And if my opinion as a debian developer weights anything, I'd
like to hear what the developers actually think, before making any
decision. I wrote some software too, and I knew when I think it is
ready or when it is full of security holes which needs fixing before
going to production. In this case I didn't wrote spice so I can't
know this, and I don't even know why it is still called beta, with
odd-numbered release number.

>  Users can still use Spice 0.13.x without
> actually enabling gl=on if they want. I don’t see how it would brake
> anything. If people want to punch holes into their vm with unix sockets

Besides gl, there were other changes in other areas. Protocol
changes (to enable gl) were introduced too. If we're to package
software with wire protocol which will be changed before stable
release, we'll have to support our users with that protocol for
some time, even if upstream developers don't support it anymore.
We'll have to ensure that different versions of different components
work together, despite they using different protocol. This is
just insane. If you don't believe me, try it out yourself first.
We've been there, done that, and I for one don't want to repeat
that experiment.

Again, that's why I want to hear from developers, at least, how
stable the protocol is, are there any plans to change it before
0.14 (stable) version or not. And for other changes which were
made, how good these parts are.

> it should be up to them imho. Some have been waiting years for this
> feature. Maybe it is about time. What do you guys think?

It's time when it's ready, not when users want it, unfortunately.
We can't give anything to users before it is actually ready.



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