On Sun, 4 Oct 2015 02:44:41 +0200 vv221 <vv...@dotslashplay.it> wrote:
> A workaround would be to use software cursor, here is what I have to
> to the "Device" section of my xorg.conf to achieve this ('radeon'
> Option  "SWCursor"  "on"

I was able to successfully apply this workaround on a fully updated
Debian Sid with redshift version 1.11-1 on the same machine which I
reported this bug from. To do so, I did the following as root:

1. create the directory /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/
2. create the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/software_cursor.conf
   with the following content:

Section "Device"
        Identifier "Screen 0"
        Driver "radeon"
        Option "SWCursor" "true"

3. restart the computer

Depending on system configuration the content of the file in step 2
might need to be adapted. Especially if you use a different graphics
card than mine (AMD Radeon HD 7950), you might need to adapt the driver
option in line 3.

It is sad that to use display color adpation without annoyingly bright
cursors on Debian on a standard desktop machine in 2017 still needs
workarounds which require advanced knowledge of the operating system
and time investment :(

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