On Thu, Jan 05, 2017 at 04:18:00PM +0000, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Ximin Luo:
> > As part of the Reproducible Builds effort, I've written a tool called
> > debpatch(1), see the branch here:
> > [..]
> Hi devscripts team,
> Any news on this?

Apologies for not giving this a review sooner.

> I would also be happy to merge this myself (I have
> the access) but I thought it would be good to ask for a review first,
> since I haven't contributed to this repo before.

I agree with Sean that it would be good to not to have another
reimplementation of changelog merging.  However, if dpkg-mergechangelogs
doesn't provide the functionality you need, I would recommend looking at
python3-debian's debian.changelog module.  I think that would probably
be easier than trying to twist dch into doing the work.

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