On Thursday, 5 January 2017 11:09:49 PM AEDT Marco d'Itri wrote:
> > After creating symlinks please test if /sbin/restorecon (or
> > /usr/sbin/restorecon) exists, if it exists run "/sbin/restorecon $NAME"
> > where $NAME is the newly created link.
> Do you mean the /{bin,sbin,lib/,...}/ links


> or each and every one that 
> may be created e.g. in /usr/bin/ as replacement of an existing similar
> link?

I hadn't noticed any changes in that regard, which means that any links that 
were recreated had the desired type by default.  In almost all cases a symlink 
under /usr will have the same type as the directory it's in which means that 
it will work fine with the default context from when the package installation 
scripts are run.

While there could possibly be an issue in that regard in future, it's unlikely 
and could be considered a bug in policy.

But the wrong label on the links for /bin or /sbin can prevent users logging 
in to the system (even root).

I suggest not bothering about the theoretical issue that may never happen in 
practice and probably won't be serious anyway (the potential labels of links 
under /usr) and just fix the proven repeatable problem that makes sysadmin 
access impossible (labelling of /{bin,sbin,lib/,...}/ links).

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