On 05.01.2017 17:44, Jens Reyer wrote:
> On 05.01.2017 16:17, James Lu wrote:
>> That looks good, though I would recommend removing .vbs (VBScript) and
>> .url (Windows bookmark) from the blacklist as well, because those are
>> fairly Windows specific files.
> Thanks. However after thinking about this today I think we should make
> sure that Wine does not create any file type association at all for
> empty wineprefixes for security reasons.
> Of course it would be nice to be able to run VBScript out of the box,
> but that's also true for exe, where we deliberately don't do that.
> So if we use a blacklist I (now) think we should add every extension for
> which Wine creates an association for clean prefixes.
> However we can probably go without the blacklist, because I found how to
> always disable the "-a" switch (next to wine.inf it was hardcoded in one
> other file).
> I just pushed that change to git. Feedback and testing very welcome.
> I'll add some bits about this to the README later.

In the README I gave advice how to manually create the associations:

  wine winemenubuilder -a -r

Unfortunately this doesn't work anymore here, unless I edit
~/.wine/system.reg and readd the "-a". Not sure why this worked in my
previous tests.

I'm still investigating this and hope to find a solution for manually
creating the associations.

Otherwise I think we should only do the blacklisting (of all extensions
which get associated even from a clean prefix).


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