Control: forcemerge 849845 850606

Hi Ximin--

Your recently-filed debian bug 850606 is a duplicate of 849845 so i'm
merging the two.

On Sun 2017-01-08 07:31:11 -0500, Ximin Luo wrote:
> Since dirmngr is very stupid in how it deals with DNS pools, one workaround
> that users can do, is to keep killing dirmngr and retrying the keyserver 
> lookup
> until dirmngr selects an IPv4 address and suceeeds.

dirmngr is actually quite a bit smarter about dealing with DNS pools
than tor is itself.

As a current workaround for myself, i mark all IPv6 addresses as dad:

gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr 'keyserver --hosttable' /bye |\
  awk '/\[.*:.*\]/{ print "keyserver --dead " $5 } ' |\
  gpg-connect-agent --dirmngr
Upstream is aware of the issue [0] and i hope to get a fix from upstream
in the next few days so that this workaround isn't necessary.




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