Emmanuel Bourg a écrit le 11/01/2017 à 15:21 :
> Hi Gilles,
> Le 11/01/2017 à 14:54, Gilles Filippini a écrit :
>> Moreover, ant reports BUILD SUCCESSFUL while it is obviously unsuccessful.
> The <exec> task doesn't fail the build by default when an error occurs.
> The failonerror="true" attribute has to be specified.
>> BTW I don't understand why kfreebsd-i386/unstable still has ant 1.9.6-1 :/
> Good question. ant/1.9.8 failed to build on kfreebsd-i386, the <chmod>
> task is called during the build and fails, probably for the same reason
> <exec> fails with jxgrabkey (the <chmod> task extends <exec>).

I've just submitted #851053 against openjdk-8 on kfreebsd-*.



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