2017-01-14 16:54 GMT+01:00 Andreas Tille <ti...@debian.org>:
> Hi Adrian,
> On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 05:29:01PM +0200, Adrian Bunk wrote:
>> I saw you were just working on the MRIcron package.
>> Can you take a look at the patch in
>>   https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=813718#40
>> ?
> Thanks for the ping.  I tried to turn the suggested patch into a quilt
> patch which I commited to Git:
> https://anonscm.debian.org/git/debian-med/mricron.git/tree/debian/patches/stricter_fpc.patch
> Unfortunately there is a Build-Problem:
> (3104) Compiling /build/mricron-0.20140804.1~dfsg.1/common/dialogsx.pas
> /build/mricron-0.20140804.1~dfsg.1/common/dialogsx.pas(75,42) Error: (5000) 
> Identifier not found "Dialogs"
> /build/mricron-0.20140804.1~dfsg.1/common/dialogsx.pas(75,42) Fatal: (2003) 
> Syntax error, ";" expected but "." found
> Fatal: (1018) Compilation aborted
> Error: /usr/bin/ppcx64 returned an error exitcode
> Error: (lazarus) Compile Project, Target: dcm2nii: stopped with exit code 256
> ERROR: failed compiling of project 
> /build/mricron-0.20140804.1~dfsg.1/dcm2nii/dcm2nii.lpi
> debian/rules:10: recipe for target 'override_dh_auto_build' failed
> I admit I can not see where a "." mit be but a ";" is expected but
> the patch seems to have some issue.

My patch from https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=813718#40
assumes that the "Dialogs" unit is in the uses clause. But the
"Dialogs" unit is in the uses clause only when the symbol "GUI" is
defined at compilation. I didn't test the compilation without the GUI

I'm attaching a fixed version of the patch:)

diff -ur mricron-0.20140804.1~dfsg.1/common/dialogsx.pas mricron-0.20140804.1~dfsg.2/common/dialogsx.pas
--- common/dialogsx.pas	2014-01-28 18:06:18.000000000 +0100
+++ common/dialogsx.pas	2017-01-14 22:07:02.839240363 +0100
@@ -68,13 +68,44 @@
 function MsgDlg(const Msg: string; DlgType: TMsgDlgType; Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons; HelpCtx: Longint): Word;
+  { Convert our TMsgDlgButtons type to Dialogs.TMsgDlgButtons type
+    in a type-safe manner. Do not assume that memory layout matches between
+    - TMsgDlgButtons and Dialogs.TMsgDlgButtons, or
+    - TMsgDlgBtn and Dialogs.TMsgDlgBtn. 
+  }
+  function MsgDlgButtonsConvertToStandard(
+    const Buttons: TMsgDlgButtons): Dialogs.TMsgDlgButtons;
+  var
+    B: TMsgDlgBtn;
+  begin
+    Result := [];
+    for B := Low(B) to High(B) do
+      if B in Buttons then
+        { convert our TMsgDlgBtn to Dialogs.TMsgDlgBtn type }
+        case B of
+          mbYes     : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbYes     );
+          mbNo      : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbNo      );
+          mbOK      : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbOK      );
+          mbCancel  : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbCancel  );
+          mbAbort   : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbAbort   );
+          mbRetry   : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbRetry   );
+          mbIgnore  : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbIgnore  );
+          mbAll     : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbAll     );
+          mbNoToAll : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbNoToAll );
+          mbYesToAll: Include(Result, Dialogs.mbYesToAll);
+          mbHelp    : Include(Result, Dialogs.mbHelp    );
+          else raise Exception.Create('Unsupported TMsgDlgBtn value');
+        end;
+  end;
    lDlgType : Dialogs.TMsgDlgType;
    lButtons: Dialogs.TMsgDlgButtons;
   lDlgType :=  Dialogs.TMsgDlgType(DlgType);
-  lButtons:= Dialogs.TMsgDlgButtons(Buttons);
+  lButtons:= MsgDlgButtonsConvertToStandard(Buttons);
   result := MessageDlg(Msg, lDlgType, lButtons,HelpCtx);

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