On Wed, 4 Jan 2017, Santiago Vila wrote:

> Please help me to ensure that we are not removing (yet!) any package
> from stretch because of any of such bugs (I think this mass-severity-setting
> should yield such effect, but I'm not 100% sure).
> In particular, please let any such package propagate to testing again
> (temporarily!) if it was autoremoved because of any of such bugs.

I've checked and it seems there is only one package affected by this.

Could you please reallow "src:uncertainties" in stretch?

I downgraded #844571 to important in the mass-downgrading
but forgot to downgrade #844572 as well (which I have just done).

As a result, the package was autoremoved.

If the plan is to consider RC-ness based on probability of failure,
this package has a lot more reason to stay in stretch than some
packages which FTBFS a lot more often.


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