Hi Daniel,

On Thu, 06 Oct 2016 10:23:25 -0400, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> On Thu 2016-10-06 05:17:54 -0400, Thomas Goirand wrote:
> > It'd be nice to have a backport of GnuPG 2.1 to Jessie, so that one
> https://bugs.debian.org/822974
> last week, the changes i was waiting for did indeed drop into testing,
> but we have a few minor bugs that i'm in the process of cleaning up
> which i'd like to avoid inflicting on users of jessie-backports.
> It'll happen soon, i promise :)

Any news on this?  At work we have recently deployed OpenPGP (via
YubiKey 4) for all the sysadmins, installing GnuPG 2 on jessie with the
following trick:
# cat >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/snapshot.debian.org.list <<EOF
## GnuPG_2.1
deb http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian/20160424T221003Z/ stretch main
# etckeeper commit 'apt/sources.list.d/snapshot.debian.org.list: new file 
# apt-get -o Acquire::Check-Valid-Until=false update
[apt-cache show dirmngr -> Depends: libgnutls30 -> too many debpkg to update]
# apt-get install \
    libassuan0=2.4.2-3 libgcrypt20=1.7.0-2 \
    gnupg2=2.1.11-7 gnupg-agent=2.1.11-7 scdaemon=2.1.11-7 \
# apt-mark auto libassuan0 libgcrypt20
# apt-get autoremove --purge
# sed -i -e 's/^\(deb.*20160424T221003Z.*\)/#\1/' 
# etckeeper commit 'apt/sources.list.d/snapshot.debian.org.list: comment 
# apt-get update
# if ! apt-cache policy gnupg2 | grep -q stretch; then
    echo "OK"
    echo "E: stretch sources always present."
    exit 1

From a quick look, the following are the Build-Depends: needing a
backport as well:


I have started working on libassuan-dev and go on if no one else is
doing that already, the idea being a *full* bakcport, i.e. completely
replacing GnuPG 1.

Thx, bye,
Gismo / Luca

Luca Capello
Administrateur GNU/Linux

Infomaniak Network SA

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