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Wolodja Wentland writes ("Re: Bug#851654: Prerm maintainer script 
unconditionally stops xend/xenconsoled"):
> The problem we encountered, however, was that we removed obsolete
> packages (xen-utils-4.1) after the postinst script of a newer one
> (xen-utils-4.4) had already started xenconsoled. The prerm script of
> xen-utils-4.1 thereby stopped a daemon that was started by the
> postinst script of xen-utils-4.4 and xenconsoled was no longer
> running as a result.

Oh, I see.  Yes, that is clearly a bug.

>  If the maintainer scripts of these versioned
> packages would only deal with 'their' version this would not happen.

I wonder if this is the best approach.  Which of the different coinstallable
packages' xenconsoled actually ends up running depends on the booted
hypervisor, so there should be only one of these sets active at a time.


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