On Jan/21, Rob Browning wrote:
> We'd like to remove emacs24 from the archive, so please try to upgrade
> to emacs25, or add optional support for emacs25 as soon as you can.
> For example, assuming the package works with emacs25, a dependency like
>   emacs25-nox | emacs25 | emacs24 | ...
> should suffice.
> If you don't have time to handle this yourself, we'd be happy to try to
> assist with an NMU (please let us know).
> Our original goal was to finish this for stretch, but we missed your
> package in our initial analysis, so there are only a couple of days
> left to upload this kind of change.

Hi Rob,

I've RFA'ed icicles last year[0], and definitely do not have time to
care for it anymore: please NMU at will, or even better adopt it ;)



[0] https://bugs.debian.org/809641

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