On Sun, 16 Oct 2016 12:33:13 -0400 stephen mahood <m...@glocal.coop> wrote:
> inorder to reinstall from plinth I ran 
> marxistvegan@freedombox:~$ sudo echo 'UPDATE plinth_module SET 
> setup_version=0 WHERE name="ttrss";' | sqlite3 /var/lib/plinth/plinth.sqlite3
> Error: unable to open database "/var/lib/plinth/plinth.sqlite3": unable to 
> open database file
> marxistvegan@freedombox:~$ 

Need to move the sudo in front of the sqlite3 command:
$ echo 'UPDATE plinth_module SET setup_version=0 WHERE name="ttrss";' |
sudo sqlite3 /var/lib/plinth/plinth.sqlite3

Could you confirm if this is still an issue?

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