Package: cinnamon-common
Version: 3.2.7-1
Severity: important

The new theme choosing interface in cinnamon has buttons that are supposed to show a preview of what the theme will look like so that the user has a bit more to go on when choosing than just the name of the theme. This is nice but it has the problem that if there is no preview available, it shows just a gray rectangle that gives the impression that something is broken (i.e. it's not clear at all that this means "no preview available").

This happens on both the window manager ("metacity-1" theme directory) and the controls ("gtk-3.0" theme directory) options. The other options get previews rendered automatically from the themes, so they are ok.

The solution to this is to include the thumbnails for the themes. Cinnamon already includes some thumbnails, e.g.:


Unfortunately, most of the themes shipped by Debian are not listed there. All themes shipped in Debian should have a thumbnail included.


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