On Wednesday, 8 February 2017 18:46:46 CET Roger Shimizu wrote:
> Dear Gard,
> I cannot sponsor the upload. But here's my review that I hope it's helpful.

Dear Roger,

Thank you very much for your helpful feedback. I believe I have
rectified some of the below.

> Here're the items need to be fixed:
> - missing in debian/copyright, not GPL-3+ license:
>     cmake/modules/FindEigen3.cmake
>     cmake/modules/FindTBB.cmake
>     include/gudhi/Contraction/CGAL_queue/*.h
>     data/points/COIL_database/images/*
>     doc/*/*.png
>   Better to ask upstream to confirm license of those image files.
> Usually license of image files is different from the code. If it's not
> sure simply remove it from "debian source" repack.

Good catch! I'm sorry for overlooking this. I'll get to work
clarifying the licenses and/or stripping out these.

> - lintian reports:
>     I: libgudhi-dev: spelling-error-in-copyright unneccessary unnecessary


> Other comments, nice to have:
>  - it's more convenient if you can export your work to some modern
> SCM, such as git
>    the review will be easier if doing with such SCM
>    you can omit the final releasing commit, so if there's something
> still need to work, you don't have to push forcefully.

Done; https://git.nonempty.org/debian-gudhi/

>  - add Vcs-* line to d/control (depends on the above item)


>  - bump to debhelper 10


>  - wrap and sort Build-Depends & Depends list in d/control


>  - have separated -doc package

The documentation shipped with upstream's source is rather
limited. They instead ship a dedicated tarball for documentation
[1]. I intend to package it too, and have it provide the -doc package.

Does this sound sensible to you?

>  - In favor of https URL over http in debian/copyright

Done (for the copyright format URL; upstream's website is not on

> So far it's enough for now.


I'll upload a new version to mentors.debian.net when I hear back from
upstream regarding the missing copyrights.

[1] https://gforge.inria.fr/frs/download.php/file/


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