On Thu, Feb 09, 2017 at 09:28:45AM +0100, Ansgar Burchardt wrote:
> On Thu, 2017-02-09 at 00:05 +0100, Santiago Vila wrote:
> > In either case I'm setting this to serious again because it makes
> > packages to fail on single-CPU systems, and having more than one CPU
> > is
> > definitely *not* part of the build-essential definition.
> It is not, but trying to build packages below a path that includes
> whitespace or shell metacharacters is also not forbidden by the build-
> essential definition.  Or on strange filesystems not fully following
> POSIX semantics.
> I think all of these are however uncommon configurations these days and
> wouldn't treat either as serious in my packages.

You are absolutely right about those two things (white space, and lack
of POSIX semantics) being uncommon, but I think they are very different
from building with only one CPU.

The non POSIX filesystem is something I already do, because I use
overlayfs by default, and the overlayfs support in the kernel is still
not perfect. When I find a package which does not build with overlayfs,
I report it as a normal bug or even wishlist, it is not a real FTBFS

Thw white space thing is not something particularly useful, because
you can avoid it at no cost (by not using spaces in the paths).

On the other side, building with more than one CPU usually cost you
twice the price. See


for example, so it is something definitely useful, not comparable
with building in a path which includes spaces.

(For the record, I am paying for some of my autobuilders directly from my 


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