
On 13/02/2017 06:21, Joost van den Berg wrote:

> unfortunately the patch does not solve the problem.
> I believe that the patch generates the wrong
> links to phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php instead of
> ../phpseclib/Crypt/AES.php .

Then it sounds like this bug was incorrectly reassigned to
php-phpseclib: either dokuwiki should depend on version 1 of phpseclib
via the php-seclib package and have the files where expected, or it is
able to use version 2 via the php-phpseclib package installed where it
belongs. In any way, please, do keep both packages installable together,
the proposed patch is not acceptable.

Either way, dokuwiki should be able to use the provided autoloader:
- /usr/share/php/phpseclib/autoload.php for php-phpseclib
- /usr/share/php/phpseclib.autoloader.php for php-seclib



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