
Beatrice Torracca <beatri...@libero.it> wrote:
> I saw that a recent change was made via Weblate (changing the
> translator assignement, as I said).
> I always assumed that Weblate was enabled only for those languages who
> did not have an official translator in the Debian project.
> In the past I sent my translations for review in the
> debian-l10n-italian mailing list the first time and for any major
> change. And I did commit my translations.
> I understand that translation, like everything else in Debian, is a
> community work. But as a wishlist I would like to ask to enable
> Weblate only for those languages that don't have an official/active
> translator; or at least to disable it for those languages that have an
> active translator and request it.
> I feel that translation needs consistency and review, when possible
> (think of a scenario where everyone was able to do NMU on every
> package...I think every developer would be very wary of such a situation).
> In my case, I feel like I would have to either recheck every change
> made or abandon a translation that I worked a lot on (the Debian
> Reference is quite a big document) but that I can not guarantee the
> quality of (even if possibly the quality of the Weblate one would be
> better than mine).
> Moreover being noted as the Last-Translator in the .po header, I
> always replied to any call for update or any other request of
> information/correction. So I think that having someone in the
> Last-Translator field who is officially responsible of a translation
> is a plus. The same is true for the Language Team header that was
> changed from "Italian <debian-l10n-ital...@lists.debian.org>" to
> "Italian
> <https://hosted.weblate.org/projects/debian-reference/translations/it/>". I
> have no idea if/where the Weblate Italian team is reachable (hopefully
> mails would ge redirected to the correct debian-l10n-<language> team.
> This is just a general wishlist based on my past experience with
> Weblate; it has nothing to do specifically with the person or the
> quality of the recent change (1 string, correct as far as I can see)
> made via Weblate to the Italian translation.
> I put on CC the debian-i18n mailing list because I see that
> translation are moving more and more towards Weblate and I would like
> to point out this side of having an uncontrolled/unreviewed source for
> Debian translations. I apologize for the noise if the CC was out of place.

I totally support this request.

I have already noticed one of "my" translations being hijacked by Weblate
service, where one string (!) (an URL, to be strict) was translated.
That did not gave much value to the translation.
And it looks to me like working without any concept.

Moreover, translations in Debian are community work, which means working
together, as a team. Hijacking translations is not fine style.
At least I have learned it like this here in Debian.

Also, anonymous translations have been disapproved in several other Debian
sub-projects, since you cannot communicate with the translator, to inform
about errors or to ensure consistency with terms. I feel, this Weblate
translations are also some sort of this "anonymous" translations, especially
because they happen without coordination, as it seems.

I am unsure, when this Weblate thing has entered Debian ... ?

How does this work?

Did I miss an announcement about this on debian-i18n or something like that?


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