
Cédric wrote:
> pkg-config --libs libagg should return -lagg_pic on amd64 in stead of
> -lagg which is not built with -fPIC and fail to link on some others libs
> (kdelibs4 for instance)

The problem here is that when you want to link agg into a lib/app which
is static you don't want -lagg_pic but -lagg.

No, it should not return -lagg_pic on specific architectures (!i386 to
be precise) IMHO. But I'll think of it.

Why don't you just spcify -lagg_pic when you know it is needed?
(Debian-only addition, though, -lagg_pic doesn't exixt upstream, it's
built in Debian because I know it's needed on !i386, e.g. for OOo, but
I already patched OOo to use -lagg_pic)



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