[2017-02-21 15:57] Ansgar Burchardt <ans...@debian.org>
> part       text/plain                 525
> Hi,

> besides the patch containing unrelated changes, having an extra package
> per service management system seems very far from ideal to me.
> It was possible for all of sysvinit/upstart/systemd to be handled by
> the same package.  Why can't runit do this?

It can, but if you ask me, it would be much better for every <daemon>
and for each <init> system have <daemon>-<init> binary package, so you
can install only things you really need. I, as user, disapprove having
files that are of no use to me. I know, not everyone share this maxima.

My vision of possibilities (in decreasing preference)

 - runit support in at-run from src:at
 - runit support in at from src:at
 - runit support in at-run from src:at-run

What is your decision?

> See also the discussions on -devel@ about tiny packages (for
> Javascript stuff, but that comes at least from upstream and is not a
> Debian invention).

Oh, please. It is totally unrelated matter. Issue with these node-
packages is that most of them are of no interest by themself, save they
are dependencies of something significant, so people are relucant to
consider them as first-class packages.

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