On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 02:58:41AM +0000, Martin Dorey wrote:
> Now through early evening fog I see that the message queues and the semaphore 
> are being generated with a random key.  Collisions with existing keys aren't 
> detected.  I have a patch that I hope will detect that and retry.  Would you 
> like that here or in a new bug?  Including the first patch or assuming it's 
> applied first or against the baseline version?  Any way is easy for me.  I 
> imagine the BTS will just do the right thing with a text attachment but five 
> minutes of googling hasn't confirmed that's how to submit a patch to an 
> existing Debian bug.  Waiting a week for the patch to dis/prove itself would 
> be perfectly sensible, but I'm happy to embarrass myself if you're happy to 
> look at it before then.

A new bug is better since it's fixing a different thing, preferably based off of


, text attachments work fine, whenever you're ready.

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