On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 05:48:14PM +0800, Chris Lamb wrote:
> tags 817193 + unreproducible
> thanks
> Chris Lamb wrote:
> > Are you still any of these test failures with a recent diffoscope
> > version? We have made a few locale changes recently so its likely
> > that at least some of these are fixed.
> As I can't reproduce this and there has been no reply I'm going to
> go ahead and close it. Re-open if you can still demonstrate the issue
> of course. :)

sorry for the late reply. Too many packages ;)

With diffoscope-77, I get the following failures:
(Fedora rawhide amd64 mock, export LC_CTYPE=en_US.utf8 TZ=UTC)

=================================== FAILURES ===================================
_________________________________ test_listing _________________________________

differences = [<Difference cbfstool {} print -- cbfstool {} print []>, 
<Difference text -- text []>]

    def test_listing(differences):
        expected_diff = get_data('cbfs_listing_expected_diff')
>       assert differences[0].unified_diff == expected_diff
E       assert '@@ -1,3 +1,3...      31896\n' == '@@ -1,6 +1,3 ...      31896\n'
E         - @@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
E         ?       ^
E         + @@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
E         ?       ^
E         + -32 kB, bootblocksize 0, romsize 32768, offset 0x0
E         + -alignment: 64 bytes, architecture: x86
E         + -
E            Name                           Offset     Type         Size
E           -text                           0x0        raw          446
E           -(empty)                        0x200      null         32152
E           +text                           0x0        raw          671
E           +(empty)                        0x300      null         31896

tests/comparators/test_cbfs.py:80: AssertionError
---------------------------- Captured stderr setup -----------------------------
Created CBFS (capacity = 32664 bytes)
Created CBFS (capacity = 32664 bytes)
__________________________________ test_diff ___________________________________

differences = [<Difference cd-iccdump {} -- cd-iccdump {} []>]

    def test_diff(differences):
        expected_diff = get_data('icc_expected_diff')
>       assert differences[0].unified_diff == expected_diff
E       assert '@@ -1,20 +1,... [24 bytes]\n' == '@@ -1,20 +1,2... [24 bytes]\n'
E           @@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
E            icc:
E            Header:
E              Size             = 14684 bytes
E              Version          = 4.3
E              Profile Kind     = display-device
E              Colorspace       = rgb
E              Conn. Space      = xyz
E           -  Date, Time       = 2016-02-15, 21:02:09
E           +  Date, Time       = 2016-02-15, 21:03:22
E              Flags            = Not embedded profile, Use anywhere
E              Dev. Attrbts     = reflective, glossy
E              Rndrng Intnt     = perceptual
E              Creator          = lcms
E           -  Profile ID       = 0x0477fa4b
E           +  Profile ID       = 0x06017f17
E            tag 00:
E              sig      'desc' [0x64657363]
E              size     38
E              type     'mluc' [0x6d6c7563]
E            Text:
E         -    ne_SU:   sRGB [24 bytes]
E         ?     -  -
E         +    en_US:   sRGB [24 bytes]
E         ?    +  +

tests/comparators/test_icc.py:47: AssertionError
============== 2 failed, 249 passed, 42 skipped in 44.78 seconds ===============

The second issue looks like a real difference.

The first issue I think is just a slightly different diff context between
the texts. I have seen something similar when generating patches using different
versions of git.


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