On Mon, 27 Feb 2017 07:37:53 +1100, Brian May wrote:

> Brian May <b...@debian.org> writes:
> > amavisd-new has already been removed from testing. I think the chances
> > of getting it back in are remote - however I have asked the release team
> > - see #856067.
> The release gods^h^h^h^h^h team has spoken. They say they will accept
> amavisd-new back in the archive:
> "Not in a point release, but I'll cut you a deal: if the underlying bug in
> libdbd-mysql-perl is fixed (but *without* the additional fixes Pali
> mentions), and an unblock bug opened before 1st March, I'll unblock
> amavisd-new and amavisd-milter for stretch."
> "(no precedents, subject to future developments, blah, blah, etc, etc)."

> So from my point of view, as it is two days until the 1st of March right
> now (at least in my timezone) we need to get a fixed version of
> libdbd-mysql-perl in unstable by tomorrow at the latest. Is this going
> to be possible?

Sure, I just uploaded 4.041-2 to unstable.

Thanks for handling all this stuff!


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