control: noowner -1

Dear Svante,

On Sun, Mar 05, 2017 at 01:56:59AM +0100, Svante Signell wrote:
> On Sat, 2017-03-04 at 17:39 -0700, Sean Whitton wrote:
> > I'm not referring to currently known security issues.  I'm referring
> > to issues that are yet to be discovered.
> OK, got it. Are you still interested to sponsor this package, now when
> you know about status quo? If so, I'll create an account at
> and we'll continue from there.

I was hoping that you could provide a counter-argument to allay my
concerns about security.  Since you don't seem to have a response to the
issues I've raised, I wouldn't be comfortable uploading xpdf.

> Just a sidenote: I've been using xpdf myself for many years, and found
> it a nice piece of standalone software. I'd really be sad to see it
> disappear from Debian. My search for good alternatives has not been
> successful so far. One issue is that I don't need is to edit the
> pdf. I don't even know if xpdf supports that?

Have you tried okular?

Anyway, thanks again for getting involved with this orphaned package.

Sean Whitton

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