On Fri, Mar 10, 2017 at 02:41:59AM +0000, Potter, Tim wrote:
> I'm primarily interested in the optiopay Kafka client as it's a build 
> dependency
> for a Kubernetes add-on that I'm packaging at the moment. Unfortunately this
> will result in a duplication in functionality in Debian but I don't see it as 
> my job to
> write bits of upstream - at least not yet.

That's fair enough, and I expected as much. Since the package will stand
on its own though, it would still make sense IMHO to document a few
differences between the various versions (in the package description
and/or in README.Debian) so that people looking in Debian for a Kafka
library for their Go project don't get overwhelmed with all of the
different choices.

> Nice.  It's great to see a dedicated Kafka community being built in Debian.  I
> think it's one of those complicated packages that can't be created properly
> if it's merely a dependency of something else.
> Since Kafka is written in Java I don't imagine we will cross paths very often
> in packaging land, but I'm happy to transfer repos around if it makes sense.
> I'm not sure it does for the optiopay client right now though but am willing
> to be convinced.

Apache Kafka is actually written in Scala, but we, the current pkg-kafka
members, haven't been focusing on packaging that yet -- that's a much
bigger endeavour. So far we have been maintaining librdkafka (the most
popular C/C++ library for producing to or consuming from Kafka, already
has a few rdeps in Debian), the Python bindings for it, and soon to be
-as I said earlier- the Go bindings for librdkafka. I also comaintain
kafkacat, a CLI utility based on librdkafka, and am planning to move it
under pkg-kafka in the next upload.

I definitely wouldn't say optiopay is out of scope for pkg-kafka, but I
wouldn't say it's out of scope for pkg-go either. Your pick :)


PS. Thanks for your work on k8s :)

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