On Wed, Mar 22, 2017 at 02:29:49PM +0000, Robie Basak wrote:
> If in wheezy I enable spamd by setting ENABLED=1 in
> /etc/default/spamassassin, and then I upgrade to jessie, then spamd
> stops automatically starting after a reboot due to the switch to
> systemd.
> Workaround: "systemctl enable spamassassin.service"
> I do get a conffile prompt and do see the message telling me about this.
> However, various things can suppress that, and the default is usually to
> retain the existing configuration.
> I wonder if you have an opinion on an upgrade path that detects this
> situation in the postinst and enables this automatically if ENABLED=1
> was previously set?

Thanks. I do think that we should preserve ENABLED=1 across upgrades.

It should probably get fixed ahead of the stretch release, since that's
when it's going to actually matter. If you're able to provide a postinst
patch, I'd happily consider it. Otherwise I'll get to it as soon as I


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